Feel Good Friday– words that will build you up. I often find myself scrolling social media looking for words that inspire, motivate and make me feel empowered. The things that we read and the words that we hear, can impact our day so easily. I love words about dreaming, courage, possibility, hard work, hopefulness- if it is positive- it speaks to my soul!
Every Feel Good Friday I’m going to spend time sharing words that will encourage and inspire you. I am a firm believer that what we consume finds its way into our hearts. So here’s to feel good Fridays, words of encouragement, and spending time on things to add value rather than take away.
Where do you spend time filling your cup?
Do words impact your heart?
Take these words and fill your cup!
Follow us on Feel Good Friday!
Follow us on Feel Good Friday!
My name is Kelly Tenney and I am a working woman who struggles with the balance of life. I spend my days pouring into my husband, kids, and my business. Life is short and I realize how impactful where we spend our time is on our hearts. Even in our struggles we can look to encourage words, books, songs and scripture to help shape our mood. Though we aren’t always going through struggles, someone we know is, and my goal is to up lift and impact our small community for the better! Feel Goof Friday with us, and we will do our best to lift you up and point you in the direction of hope and inspiration!