Today we are going to teach you how to make Scentsy samples & why they are so awesome! Samples are a great way to introduce your customers to products they haven’t tried before. Whether it be wax, washer whiffs, counter clean or Scentsy soak, your customers will be delighted to have the extra treat in their orders. They are simple to make and don’t cost a lot of extra money! If you want to be elaborate that’s okay, but don’t let all the steps keep you from getting samples out. Keeping it simple is okay too!
Having samples on hand is also a great way to share your business to gain NEW customers. Leave one with the cashier at the store, for your waiter at your favorite restaurant or with your stylist at the local salon. Everyone loves surprises and giving away samples to everyone you encounter is an easy way to bring a smile their day and put your info in their hands. Just don’t forget that label! ?
Samples can come in so many forms, shapes and sizes. Do what works best for you! If time is short, done is better than perfect. If you’re crafty, go crazy. You can find some great ideas for sample making on Google, Pinterest and on our team pages or you can go as simple as a sliced-up cube packaged up in small bags with a label slapped on it. You can also purchase premade samples of some of our products in Scentsy Success.
How to make Scentsy Samples:
Here are some ways I love to make samples!
Wax molds from the Scentsy store (i prefer these in the fall, winter, spring months) and felt shapes from the Scentsy store in the summer.
When I don’t want to worry about how they look I use a crinkle cutter from amazon. Remove the bar from the package, flip it upside down, run the crinkle cutter over the wax in small chunks or slivers. Then place them in a jewelry bag (found at your local craft store for super cheap), and stick a label on it! Here are our favorite labels!
Warm Me Heat Me Labels (1573 downloads )
Whatever you do, don’t over think it <3
How to make Scentsy Samples from other leaders
Looking for more ideas? Here are how some of your fellow consultants use samples in their own business, make sure you log into your workstation before clicking on this link:…/re…/en/resource_1519845612079
how much Scentsy Blue Grotto Soak should I measure out for samples. I have a show and would like to hand samples out. Thank you.
I usually use 3 to 4 cubes of wax to warm for samples and that usually gives me anywhere between 30-40 of the felt samples
Would you be able to make the labels in a word document instead of the PDF because we cannot edit it to add the scent that we want to add