10e Party of 6 Revealed

IMG_6269Our world of perfection began to grow by another perfect baby just a short 20 weeks ago. It is hard to believe we are to the half way point for becoming a family of 6. I remember growing up I always wanted a big family and having it become a reality has been amazing. With each girl we have grown in love, patience, gratitude, and A LOT of joy!!!! Our home is full of pink, glitter and princesses and I can’t imagine it being any other way. It is hard to believe we have been blessed like this for over 7 years and as the years grow our hearts do, too. We are growing out of our color scheme and entering a world of Navys and Gray. I have a feeling over the next several months our home will begin to change as we begin to welcome the newest addition to our family.

IMG_6270-2I am certain he will bring so much joy and beauty into a world we already view as perfect. The girls are beyond excited to share with our favorite people that in just a few short months we will welcome our first son into the world. Oh, how our hearts will grow and the colors of our home will change.

We are in great prayer that we will be a world changer just like his big sisters.

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