Eat That Frog | Day 16

No Excuses, Just Actions

You have the capability to convince yourself in or out of almost anything. Whether it is to go on a roller coaster, workout, get off the couch, skydive, or be productive, you are the one who determines how much you get done and what you do. As much as people around us can have influence on us, the truth is, we make the final say.

Today is all about how you talk to yourself. Spending time being positive about your personal situations will have a huge impact on their outcomes. In your everyday life, it is not about the situation, tasks, or encounters at hand, it is how you react to them that matters.  I have a beautiful friend, Ashley, who the most positive person I know. She comes to every situation good or bad with a smile on her face and a heart ready to serve. Want to know what I think about her? She would be one person I wouldn’t mind being stuck on an elevator with!  I would do just about anything for her, and so would any person I know in her life today. Her positive attitude attracts people to her, they want to help her, serve her, and let her know she is valued. Having a positive attitude can be so important in your every day life. Not only because it is easier to love someone like that, but you will find you love yourself more easily.

The challenge is to focus all of your energy daily on reacting from a positive place. When I taught preschool, we had to take some classes in conscious discipline. Part of what we learned was using positive and nice words and not focusing on the behavior that we didn’t want to happen. For instance, we were taught not to say “Don’t hit”. The only thing the child hears is HIT, not DON’T. You would say something like, “Your hands are to give high fives.” The same principal would apply to “Don’t Climb the slide”. Instead, one would say, “Climb the ladder and slide down the slide”. Instead of “Don’t eat crayons”, you would say, “Crayons are for coloring; food is for eating.” The same concept applies to our everyday life. Begin your thought with “I CAN’T” and what you will end up with is just that.

Think and talk about the things you want to happen. You are your biggest motivator, cheerleader, and supporter. If there are things you are struggling with, change your attitude and accomplish them. You will feel so much better and your confidence will go through the roof. If you don’t like the way you look, take control of it. You can say to yourself you CAN’T lose that 50 pounds, but the only person who CAN lose it for you is YOU. You just have to have the resolve to do it.

Today, make it a priority to be responsible for you. No excuses, just actions!

Happy Thursday!

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