I Thought I Wasn't, But I Was

It is hard to look at my life right now and think that it is mine. With all the things I am involved in, people I am friends with, and places I visit, I sometimes feel like I am living someone else’s life. There was a period of time in my life where I thought all I had to offer was a clean home and to stay at home with my kids. I personally have a hard time learning and comprehending and often have to work extra hard at things that “normal” people pick up on easily. When you spend 14 years of your life doing something you aren’t very good at, it doesn’t necessarily set you up mentally for success. Two years through college, I quit and decided my best would be offered within our home. Energy is one thing I have an abundance of! I knew I could clean, keep up with the kids, and be a great stay at home mom. Who needs a college degree for that?

It wasn’t long into this experience that I felt alone and even bored! Mark was working away at a couple jobs and I found myself spinning in circles. I worked different jobs here and there–daycares, preschools, babysitting, cleaning houses, even being a children’s pastor. None of these made me feel valued and none of these made me feel accomplished. As our kids were born and I stayed home more, I found myself isolated within my four walls. It was hard to get out of the house with two little ones and I had very few friends who helped keep me in the adult world. It was just easier to stay inside with the kids than try to drag them all over while running errands or trying to have girl time with friends. This got to be very lonely.

When Molly was 20 months old and Ella was 3 months old, I received a Scentsy warmer as a gift for Christmas. I feel in love very quickly and eagerly signed to sell. I wanted out of the house, I wanted to make money, and I wanted a purpose. Little did I know what was around the corner.  As I bounced around from party to party and home to home I started making friends with my hostesses and customers. It wasn’t long before they started joining my team and very quickly found a large place in my heart. As I began helping other moms create an income, my self-worth started to rise. I walked into this thinking “What could I get out of Scentsy?” Little did I know that it would be ME that was adding value to others’ lives. Over the last two years, I have shown myself that I actually am a learner, that I can be pretty smart when I want to be, and that I am worthy. I am worthy of having friends, self-confidence, and success. I used to think that the only people who could be successful were the popular, honor-roll, and pretty people. I never felt like I fell into any of those categories; therefore, how could I amount to anything?

Well, let me tell you!

2 years and 8 months later, with a team of 400 AMAZING friends, I AM WORTHY!!! These last few years have changed the way I view myself and those around me. We all have something valuable to add to this world, we just have to engage it. If you feel like you are lacking self-worth, self-confidence, or value; work hard at your weaknesses and watch them become strengths! Starting my own business has changed our whole life. From more financial security to believing in who I was created to be. Now I have to opportunity to share this amazing blessing with others! I am so thankful for the company I work for that allows me to stay home with my kids and add value to others at the same time!


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