Thankfully Thursday

Thankfully Thursday.

There are so many little blessings that happen throughout the week but too often we are so busy we have a hard time seeing those blessings. We live in a society that thrives on big intense experiences that often overshadow the small great things that bless us in our normal day to day routine. Today I am thankful for much, the big and the small:)

Please feel free to share what you are the thankful for!

I am grateful for the opportunity to lead worship with my husband.

My sweet girls who love to cuddle and often ask for more cuddle time.

This week we have had cold overcast skies that we often find depressing. I, however, am thankful for way it encourages us to slow down. It is much easier for me to cuddle on the couch with my loves when the skies encourage me to!

Today marks five days since a beautiful friend of mine passed away. She was amazing, encouraging, and inspiring. I am thankful for her role in my life. She always helped me to see the great things in life. Today, I am thankful for Sarah.

I’m thankful for the chance to serve alongside an amazing group of teens to bring awareness to assault and violence. I am thankful for the chance to learn from them and grow with them! They are amazing!

Everyday I get to walk alongside some amazing women and speak into their lives. More than grateful for my job!

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