Flowering YOU

Flowering YOU

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger Over the last several months, my heart and brain have been working toward this realization, life is only making me stronger. I have been learning a lot about growth and where I am at personally in my walk of life. Here are a couple things I have learned….

Eat That Frog | Day 16

Eat That Frog | Day 16

No Excuses, Just Actions You have the capability to convince yourself in or out of almost anything. Whether it is to go on a roller coaster, workout, get off the couch, skydive, or be productive, you are the one who determines how much you get done and what you do. As much as people around us can have influence on us, the…

Eat That Frog | Day 13

Eat That Frog | Day 13

Your Key Constraints Everyone should have a set of goals they are working toward, both long-term and short-term. In working toward those goals, you will experience times of motivation and sometimes constraint. What is your big goal? Is it to promote at work? To develop a successful business? To stay at home with the kids? Look at…

Eat That Frog | Day 09

Eat That Frog | Day 09

The best way to overcome procrastination is to have everything prepared before you get started, something I am personally terrible at. When I start a project it usually is because I had this great idea. Why wait? Jump right in!  So halfway through I find I am missing a few things, and sometimes they are so important that I…

Eat That Frog | Day 08

Eat That Frog | Day 08

The Law of Three When I began to do this day-by-day journey through the book Eat That Frog, I was overwhelmed at how many tips and tricks there were to get organized. Now on day 8, I am really starting to process the first week, and instead of seeing them as separate steps, I am seeing how they blend together. What has…

Eat That Frog | Day 01

Eat That Frog | Day 01

Good Morning Friends! I am excited to journey with you over the next 21 days and teach you how to eat your frogs!!! We will be upping our productivity level, getting ourselves organized, and allowing ourselves to have more time on our hands just by following these great suggestions. Chapter one of Eat That Frog! is all…